Our Next Adventure….

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This is taken right after we made the offer.

The time is here I can finally share our big news!!! I have been sharing little hints here and there and trust me, its been KILLING me keeping this from y’all! But today I am screaming it from the roof tops!

After a couple years of hunting, let downs, and losses, we finally snatched up the DREAM land for our next project, on the white sandy shores in Priest Lake, Idaho. This location was always the dream spot, but boy was it it challenging to find. I finally started to lose hope especially after last years struggles to land one, and insane prices cabins were selling for. I was mentally preparing myself for a very overpriced fixer upper cabin from the 30s. But, for some reason though things aligned for us this year, more than we could have ever imagined.

It started just a couple weeks ago, when our realtor and my husband had a catch up call on a few options they were reviewing. She said, “I am not really certain that this is going to be an option for you guys, but I am too excited not to share…” At that moment our jaws dropped, and somehow we just knew it was going to be ours. We jetted off to Disneyland a day or so later, and sat on the airplane google mapping this land and reviewing as much as we could, eager to get up there and view it ourselves we had to wait for the the seller to give final word, it was for sale. I think we even found a way to google walk it…who knew that was a thing.

After Disney things really started to align. The seller agreed to let us view it. We had the banking side all lined up, we even had the offer letter ready to go with our realtor. The 1 hour and 45 minute journey to the lot was looooong, we just couldn’t stand it honestly. Finally we pulled in and I had to get the footage of us actually arriving for the first time. It was muddy. Just rained. And cold… But figured if this was the ONE, I was capturing it all. It took all of about 10 minutes before we texted our realtor to send the offer. Everything else was a blur that day. We didn’t even look at the whole 12 acres, we just walked the waterfront and the main area of the build site and called it good. We knew it was the one.

A few hours later, the sellers agreed to sell it to us, and offer was signed. We of course then went for margaritas. It never hit the market. I still am in shock of how easy this whole process was. I feel deep down inside of me it was always there waiting for us, just needed to be the right time. It seems so right now.

Our goal has always been find a place to build memories, not just for us, but for generations to come. For not just our family to grow up at, but their kids, our grand kids, GREAT grand kids and beyond. One thing I think I am most excited about is that we were able to find something while our kids were still little. Having them grow up making memories here is really what it is all about.

Work is starting next week. Trees will be taken out, gravel and ground work brought in for parking of our new house on wheels, and the dock is going in. I might have jumped the gun and bought a massive splash pad, but I need some sort of instant gratification! So many exciting things. I cant wait to get up there and show you more soon. Did I mention we bought a massive house on wheels to park it there? Yes we did!!! Oh all the fun content ideas I am envisioning around that!!!

Thank you for your support, it truly means the world. We are so grateful for this opportunity, and we can’t wait to start making new memories. Stay tuned for more soon…



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  1. Lori says:

    Wow, absolutely a dream spot! Congratulations!! My husband and I were married on the beach @ PL and we know just how magical your years ahead will be. Cheers!

  2. Cheryl Clare says:

    How exciting! Can’t wait to follow along…I’ve heard the Priest Lake area is Gorgeous!

  3. Cari says:

    Priest Lake is the most beautiful and magical place. Congratulations! Some of my best memories as a kid were at my grandparents lake property. Your family will enjoy every bit of this now and for years to come!

    • jordyn smith says:

      Thank you so much! We are truly so grateful for this new adventure of ours. Lots of memories to come! XO, J

  4. Donna Norgren says:

    Are you moving there or is this just a vacationing place .

    • jordyn smith says:

      This will be a second home. Vacation home of sorts, place to retreat to for the weekends 🙂

  5. Sonja Goodson says:

    An absolute dream!! My preacher dad used to say…”God always gives his best to those who leave the choice to him”!!😀

  6. Cathy McDaniels says:

    So excited to watch your journey unfold. Thanks for sharing it with us 🙂

  7. Venice Sullivan says:

    Does that mean you’re selling your current house or is this in addition to? Priest is wonderful!

  8. Pecky Cox says:

    Slice of heaven indeed !

  9. Rhonda Sneva says:

    Congratulations!! So very happy for you!!!

  10. Penny Dowen says:

    Priest Lake is magical . We all grew up at The Lake at sometime . I was fortunate to work at Hill’s 78/79. Evening dinner server . I was 18. The drinking age was 19 . Got in all the fun bars . My sister has a cabin & the memories have been created since 2001.

  11. Stacy says:

    Huge congrats! It’s gorgeous. Can’t wait to follow along on your adventure.

  12. Denise Stephens says:

    Love your home and everything you do.
    All the best for your new adventures.

  13. Terri Chappell says:

    Congratulations! New follower here! My husband and I have good friends who live in Sagle and we love visiting Priest River. There is a little “little hole in the wall” restaurant/bar that we love to visit the bar is built over a Fall (so cute) but I forget the name. Anyway best of luck to you and your family! Idaho is such a beautiful State!

  14. Fee says:

    Congrats!!! How exciting! And how God lined it all up for you is just the cherry ontop of an already BEAUTIFUL blessing! Can’t WAIT to follow along!

  15. Danielle Thomas says:

    So happy for you and your family!!!

    Hoping to find same, to take our grandson (and future grand babies!!) too!