Modern Kitchen Necessities | Amazon

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42 fl oz Glass Storage Jar | Olive Oil Dispenser | 66 fl oz Glass Storage Jar | Similar Glass Storage Jars

Maintaining an organized space, especially in the kitchen, isn’t an easy feat. These modern kitchen necessities in my home are the PERFECT finds for doing exactly that. Personally, I enjoy a minimalistic and sleek look in my kitchen. Organization and storage items aren’t always the prettiest to look at which is why these glass storage jars and olive oil dispensers are such an amazing find! I typically don’t have a lot of items on my countertops but if I ever leave these out, they match my kitchen’s aesthetic beautifully. The new year is the perfect time to clean out your pantry and get organized!


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Ziplock Bag + Foil and Wrap Organizer | Similar Food Storage Bag Organizer

No more brightly colored cardboard boxes here! I recently upgraded my bag organizer to one with foil and wrap storage. This is not only a space saver but makes packing up lunches and leftovers that much easier. Either of these bag organizers fit perfectly in a kitchen drawer and makes for easy access. If you feel the same way that I do about countertop clutter, this is the perfect find for you!

spice jars

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Round Spice Jars | Similar Spice Jars

If you are frequently cooking at home, I highly recommend these round spice jars. They are a bit larger than the average spice jar which means they obviously hold more spices! The minimalistic spice jar trend was definitely something I decided to hop on and won’t be swapping out anytime soon. There is something about these crisp labels and being able to see what’s inside each jar that is so satisfying!

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Expandable Lid Organizer

No more lost lids in this house! I swear, finding the lids to food storage containers was like looking for the other sock in the dryer – impossible! This expandable lid organizer has been an absolute game changer. It fits perfectly in either a drawer or cabinet space. This is another major space saver must-have!

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Olive Oil Dispenser | Ziplock Bag + Foil and Wrap Organizer | Lazy Susan | Round Spice Jars | Two-Drawer Organizer

For more kitchen essentials, click HERE.

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The new year is the perfect time to get tidy and organized – especially in the kitchen! These are some of my favorite kitchen necessities that I use almost everyday. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.



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